GATE II: When War is Preferable to Peace

The second season of GATE had quite enjoyable what with the whole political intrigue in the Empire. Picking up where we left off our hero Captain Itami has been sent on an undercover mission to establish amicable relationships with the anti-Emperor factions. Meanwhile a new addition to our ever-expanding harem Yao the dark elf wants him to take out a Fire Dragon for her.

While there is a quite obvious dig at the overtly-critical media and of rather incompetent politicians, GATE is an enjoyable watch. That being said, there are hints of something more especially in Tyuule regret after doing all that she his done ; hwr findibg out that at the limits of revenge lie nothingness. The author could do well to understand how military command structures and governments work rather than have precocious girls drive policy.

But it would be rather boring if all anime were thoughtful. Better to have

Published by sathyajithsmanthanath

I am but a gadfly attached to the state

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